There are two bills at the statehouse that are still sitting in committee!
An act to provide volunteer firefighters and emergency medical technicians with a local option real estate tax exemption; Senate Bill S.1869 – Senator Anne Gobi [email protected] and House Bill H.2943 – Representative Steven Howitt [email protected]
This is a local option bill in which any city, town, or district that accepts this may establish a program for volunteer, call or auxiliary firefighters or volunteer, call or auxiliary emergency medical technicians of such city, town or district to reduce the real property tax obligations of such volunteers in exchange for their volunteer services.
This bill is currently sitting in the Joint Committee on Revenue (committee members can be found here)
We urge you to call or e-mail your state Senator and Representative and urge them to move this bill to of committee! We have been trying for 10 years to get this legislation passed with no success.
This is a bill that can help us now. Please urge your Senators and Representatives that you need their help in moving this legislation forward. THIS IS A LOCAL OPTION BILL AND THERE IS NO COST TO THE COMMONWEALTH!